Monday, January 11, 2010

"Something's Not Right"

Wright Manor

As Pastor James Wright and Lady Mary Martha Wright pulls into their driveway, Pastor Wright suddenly gets a sinking feeling in his stomach as he turns off the car.

Lady Wright, Concerned, "What is it, James?"

Pastor Wright, Seemingly upset, "Something's not right, baby."

Lady Wright, Reaching over and kissing her husband, "Now, baby, you always say that after we come back from Conference. Everything's fine. You're just feeling anxious because you're still on a Holy Ghost high."

Pastor Wright, Kissing her back, "No. Something is definitely not right. I can't put my finger on it but since we've been away the enemy has been busy."

Lady Wright, Trying to console her husband, "Baby, the devil is always busy. That's because he knows you and the Lord always exposes his mess. Now, stop your fretting and let's go in and see what Maximus and Darling have been up to."

Pastor Wright, Laughing lightly, "You're right, Mary. I know 'ole slooefoot' has been up to no good, but I know the Lord will expose him before the night is over. Let's see what our offsprings have been doing since we've been gone."

Pastor and Lady Wright get out of the car and enters their home.

Pastor and Lady Wright, Calling out together, "Children---we're home!"

Maximus is the first to appear.

Maximus, Grinning sheepishly and hugging them, "Mom---Dad".

Pastor Wright, Eyeing Maximus and smiling, "Boy, what have you been doing?"

Maximus, Laughing, "Nothing, Dad. Just chillin' here at the house."

Pastor Wright, Still smiling, "I just bet you have."

Lady Wright, Grabbing Maximus and hugging him again, "Honey, give the boy a break. If he says he's been 'chillin' here at the house then he's been 'chillin' here at the house."

Pastor Wright, "You always were soft when it came to Maximus but you forget, I was his age once and 'chillin' at the house always meant more than just 'chillin' at the house. Ain't that right, Maximus? (Pastor Wright winks at Maximus, slaps him on the back and they both laughed.)

Maximus, Still laughing, "You knowwwww!"

Pastor Wright, Laughing heartedly, "Watch yo'self, boy! Now, where's my baby girl at?"

Maximus, "Oh, she's upstairs somewhere. You know, Darling---probably, taking a shower or something."

Darling Wright suddenly appears at the top of the stairs.

Darling Wright, Hurrying down to greet them, "Dad---Mom. (Hugging them both) How was the conference?"

Mary Wright, Hugging Darling and kissing her on the cheek, "It was very refreshing. You know your father---He showed out and let the Lord use him. I even thought I saw wings on his back when he was delivering the welcoming address." (She chuckles.)

Pastor Wright, Grinning, "How's my baby girl? And how are your classes coming along?" (Not giving her time to answer.) All A's, right?"

Darling Wright, Hugging her daddy and crossing her fingers, "Yes, daddy."

Pastor Wright, "Good girl. Good girl."

Mary Wright, Suddenly yawning, "Well, we've had a long weekend and I'm sure you two are tired as well. Let's say we all go to bed and catch up in the morning over a good old-fashioned breakfast of hot cakes, sausage, cheese and eggs, grits, and hashbrowns?"

Maximus and Darling, Chiming together and hurrying toward the stairs, "Sounds great! Good night!"

Pastor Wright, "Hold on, now, not so quick---How 'bout we say a family prayer together before we retire since we're all up?"

Maximus and Darling, "Okay, daddy. You lead."

Pastor Wright, Bowing his head, "Let's all join hands. Heavenly, Father, we thank you for this day and for our family. We pray that you will continue to bless us and keep us in your care as we lay down for a good night sleep. We pray, Lord, that you would forgive us of our sins and those who have sinned against us. We further pray that the enemy's hand will have no place in our family. Let your guardian angels protect us, our friends and our church. We will forever give you the glory and the honor, and all these things we ask in your son, Jesus' name. Amen."

Mary, Maximus and Darling Wright, Simultaneously, "Amen."

Maximus and Darling hurries upstairs to check on their 'company', while Pastor and Lady Wright retire to their bedroom. As Pastor Wright closes the door to his bedroom, he still cannot ignore the gnawing feeling in his stomach that something is not right in the Wright's home.

Mary Wright, Hugging her husband, "That was a beautiful prayer, James. You see, I told you there was nothing to worry about."

Pastor Wright hugs her back but does not say anything. He begins to pray inwardly.

Upstairs in Maximus' bedroom.

Maximus, "Girl, you've got to get out of here! (He rushes Tonya to the back entrance to his bedroom before his father sets the alarm.) If my dad catches you in here, I'll be on punishment until I'm old and gray."

Tonya, Pouting, "Okay but can I have one more kiss?"

Maximus, Anxiously kisses her, "See you tomorrow." (He quickly closes the door.) "Whew!" (He exclaims and collapses on his bed.) "Thank you, Jesus!"

Upstairs in Darling's bedroom.

Darling, Pushing her visitor out her bedroom door, "See you tomorrow?"

Jonathan, "Yeah, baby, see you tomorrow. Wear something pretty for me."

Darling, Giggling, "You'd just better not let daddy catch you looking at me."

Jonathan, Smiling, "You let me worry about your daddy."

Darling, Closing the door quickly and collapsing on her bed, expecting her dad to set the alarm at any moment. "Jesus! That was close!" Darling suddenly receives a text on her phone.

Text message, "I'm watchin u. I saw u. I cn c u now."

Darling is suddenly fearful. She reaches up to close her blinds when a light flashes her from a tree near her bedroom door.

James Wright comes downstairs to set the alarm. He suddenly begins to pray aloud, "Father, I know something is not right in my house. Let your precious Holy Ghost show me what it is this night. Amen."

Lights out. The end of Act I.