Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Husbands Love Thy Wives"

Act I, Scene VI
Elder Edward Strong & Prophetess Ruth Strong's Home
As lights come up Prophetess Ruth Strong is sitting at her dresser staring into the mirror.
Prophetess Strong, Crying and talking aloud to herself, "Lord, how much more of this am I suppose to take? Is this Your will or am I being a fool?" (Prophetess Strong sat looking at herself in the mirror and wondered what had happened to the beautiful man she'd married. Only married for six years, he had become increasingly angry and resentful towards her since transferring from Boston to Atlanta. She just couldn't understand what had happened to them. Edward was handsome, intelligent and very driven but lately, he had become increasingly moody; picking fights; and violently beating her. Ruth didn't know what was wrong; she just knew she wanted the old Edward back.)
Elder Strong suddenly enters their bedroom.
Elder Strong, Apologetically, while handing her an ice bag, "Baby, I'm sorry. I don't mean to hit you but you know it's your fault. Right?"
Prophetess Strong, Confused but nodding in agreement, "Yes, dear. (She knew not to disagree with her husband.) I should have known you had a hard day at the office. I don't know how I could have been so insensitive. I'm sorry, baby. Forgive me?"
Elder Strong, Still apologetically, "Now, baby, you know you can't say anything to Pastor about this---After all, I am his best elder, and we both know you made me hit you............right?"
Prophetess Strong, Looking at her husband in amazement, "Yes, dear, I'm was my fault."
Elder Strong, "That's what I thought. Now go in the bathroom, wash your face and go downstairs and fix me the dinner I should have had when I got home."
Prophetess Strong, Timidly, "Yes, dear. What did you say you wanted for supper tonight?"
Elder Strong, Sarcastic and hateful, "Woman, if you don't get yo' lazy a--- downstairs and fix my supper, I'm gone beat the hell out of you! You know what I like! Don't act like you stupid or something! Oh, yeah..........I forgot, you are stupid!"
Prophetess Strong, Frightened and hurrying toward the stairwell, "I'm sorry, Elder. Please......don't hit me again.......I'm going right now."
Elder Strong, Grabbing her and hugging her, "Aw, know I love you. You just make me so mad sometimes. Now, give me a kiss. (Prophetess Strong kisses him.) Give me a real kiss! Don't make me slap you. (She kisses him passionately.)
Prophetess Strong hurries down the stairwell to the kitchen. She has no idea what to fix for dinner. She'd made the mistake of cooking pasta the night before and barely escaped without a beating. "What was I thinking?," she exclaimed, tearfully, wiping away the tears. She knew Edward hated pasta but she'd had Women's Ministry and had barely gotten home before Edward. "What does he want from me?," she asked looking up at the ceiling and opening the refrigerator. "What do You want from me, Lord?," she asked looking up again.
Elder Strong, Bellowing downstairs, "I know you ain't on that phone?! You better not be talking to Sharon!" (Edward Strong knew that his wife often talked with Sharon Peacemen at church, even though Ruth had sworn she'd never told Sharon about the beatings. Nevertheless, he had assumed she had, and he knew Sharon was one of the biggest gossips in the church.) "......Fake hoe!"
Prophetess Strong, Fearfully, "No, dear. I'm not on the phone. I was talking to the Lord!"
Elder Strong, Still bellowing, "I know you don't call yo'self gettin' smart with me?!"
Prophetess Strong, Trying not to yell, while taking a steak out of the freezer, "No, dear. I would never disrespect you like that......I was truly talking to the Lord."
Elder Strong, Yelling louder, "Well, that's good! 'Cause if I ever find out you've been telling our business to those sistas in da church, I'll cut out your tongue!"
Prophetess Strong, Shuddering as if her husband is standing over her, "No, dear."
Elder Strong, Suddenly getting up and stomping down the stairs, "What did you say?!"
Prophetess Strong, Meekly, "I said, 'No, dear.' I would never speak to anyone about our personal affairs."
Elder Strong, Walking over to her and putting his finger to her temple, "One of these days, Ruth....Bang!" (He gestures as if pulling a trigger.)
Prophetess Strong jumps but doesn't comment. She begins to season the steak she's removed from the freezer.
Elder Strong, Laughing sarcastically, "How long that steak gone take to cook? I better be eating in an hour."
Prophetess Strong, Tearfully, "Yes, dear. It'll be ready. I promise."
Elder Strong, "It had better be! And I know you ain't crying?! Baby, don't you know I've been working all day, and I'm tired? Dealing with those idiots at the bank all day, and then coming home and dealing with a stupid wife----. Don't you think I'm hungry and aggravated?"
Prophetess Strong, Wiping tears from her eyes, "Yes, dear. I'm sorry, dear."
Elder Strong, "You're always 'sorry.' Just hurry yo' sorry a--- up before I slap the 'sorry' out of you!'
Prophetess Strong, Placing the steak in the broiler and wrapping foil around a baking potato, "Yes, dear."
Elder Strong, Suddenly becoming angry, "Baked potatoes?! Do you know how long it's gonna take to cook baked potatoes?!"
Prophetess Strong, Nervously removing the foil from the potato, "Yes, dear but it won't take that long. I promise. I can bake it in the microwave."
Elder Strong, Angrily yelling, "I thought the microwave was broken?!"
Prophetess Strong, Frightened; forgetting that the microwave was broken, "Yes, dear......I forgot......I forgot it was broken."
Elder Strong, Still yelling, "You see! That's what I'm talking about! Just forget it! I'll just go downtown and eat! (He storms out of the house and suddenly returns; pointing his finger at her, yelling.) You, see? That's why I beat you! (He grabs his jacket; walks out the front door; gets into his car, yelling at her as he leaves.) You are a trip! You know that? Stupid!
Prophetess Strong looking in amazement as her husband speeds down the street; breaks down, sobbing hysterically in fear; picks up the phone and dials a number. The phone rings.
Male Voice, "Hello,"
Prophetess Strong, Trying to sound cheerful, "Hey,......can you talk?"
Male Voice, Whispering, "Not, really? What's wrong?"
Prophetess Strong, Fighting back the tears, "Oh, nothing......just wanted to hear a friendly voice."
Male Voice, Concerned, "What's wrong, Ruth?"
Prophetess Strong starts sobbing.
Lights out.

Saturday, October 3, 2009



Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Walking into the Living Room; laying down her brief case; pulling off her shoes; turning on the 6:00 p.m. News.

News Reporter, Excited, "Ladies and Gentlemen, for those of you just tuning in......earlier today we brought you news of a shooting in Decatur, Georgia where it appears that a very distraught young woman shot her babies' daddy's lover; shot her babies' daddy; held him hostage for several hours and then threatened to kill herself. Now as I have been told, at approximately 12:30 p.m. this afternoon, TanSheena Monroe got off work early and came home to confront her babies' daddy about past due child support. It was upon entering her home that TanSheena Monroe caught her man---I mean, her boyfriend in bed with another woman, getting his freak on---. I'm sorry......TanSheena Monroe caught her man in bed with another woman. Miss Monroe then commenced to whipping her boyfriend's lover's a---behind. My bad, Miss Monroe assaulted the unidentified young woman with her shoe. Following the assault, an argument ensued between Miss Monroe and the unidentified young woman. Now Miss Monroe's babies' daddy---Miss Monroe's boyfriend tried to step in and break up the fight between the two women when Miss Monroe suddenly went in her handbag and produced a .45 caliber handgun, which appeared to be a Smith & Wesson. Miss Monroe then shot the unidentified young woman, killing her instantly---dead. She immediately began to fire at her boyfriend, LeRoy Smith. But as I understand it, Mr. Smith was able to think fast on his feet and jumped his monkey a---I mean, he was able to jumped behind the bed, and thereby avoided being shot by TanSheena Monroe. Miss Monroe then cornered Mr. Smith behind the bed, held him at gunpoint and called her psychiatrist, Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, whom she had been seeing for the last three months. Miss Monroe threatened to kill that n----I mean, Mr. Smith and herself. And as I understand it, Dr. Gwendolyn Wright was on her way home from a long day at the office when she received a call from Miss Monroe, who was apparently very upset at catching her man, LeRoy Smith in bed with another woman. The police are telling me that the unidentified young woman was Miss Monroe's best friend of some fifteen years. It just so happens that Dr. Wright was recently appointed to the Atlanta Hostage Negotiations Team and was able to calm Miss Monroe down and talk Miss Monroe into giving herself up. Dr. Wright, can you tell us what happened?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Sarcastically, "Same old story---'baby-mama drama'. It seems that Miss Monroe came home early from work to confront her babies' daddy about past due child support and found him in bed with an unidentified young woman. Upon catching him in bed with that ho---I'm sorry---the unidentified young woman, a fight between Miss Monroe and the unidentified young woman ensued. I was told that the young woman was Miss Monroe's best friend. Miss Monroe then took a pistol from her handbag; fired one shot in the chest of the unidentified young woman; killing her instantly. She then turned the gun on her boyfriend, LeRoy Smith; fired a shot at him. However, that joker---uh---Mr. Smith managed to jump his punk a---I'm sorry...Mr. Smith jumped behind the bed that he and the unidentified young woman had been in earlier and avoided being harmed. Miss Monroe then called me on my cell phone; crying and screaming, saying she was going to kill that n---Mr. Smith and then herself.

News Reporter, "Did Miss Monroe appear to be upset when she phoned you?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Looking at the reporter in oddly, "Well, I would say she was very upset. After all, she had just killed her boyfriend's lover, who was also her best friend of fifteen years; tried to kill him; held him hostage for several hours and then threatened to kill herself. Yes, Chuck, I would say she 'appeared to be extremely upset when she telephoned me'.

News reporter, "Dr. Wright, would you say this was a cry for help from Miss Monroe then?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Still looking at the reporter oddly, "Yes, I would say she was definitely crying out for help."

News reporter, "And do we know who the unidentified young woman was?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Apparently, she was Miss Monroe's best friend but her name is being withheld at this time until her family or next of kin can be notified."

News Reporter, "And so the unidentified young woman was fatally injured?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Looking at the reporter with disbelief, "Yes, she was killed. She's dead, Chuck."

News Reporter, Not moved by Dr. Wright's condescending tone; still excited, "And what about Mr. Smith---LeRoy Smith---did he appear to be upset when you got to the home?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Breathing deeply with disdain at the reporter's stupidity, "Well, judging by the fact that the woman he was just scr--- having sex with was killed right in front of him by his babies' mama---uh, Miss Monroe---and that he was almost killed himself---yes, he was very upset, Chuck."

News Reporter, "Would you say Mr. Smith---LeRoy Smith was afraid?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Suddenly smiling, "Yes, he was definitely afraid---he was very, very afraid."

News Reporter, "And you say this started over an argument about child support?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "No. It started because TanSheena---I'm sorry, Miss Monroe caught that joker---I mean her man---I mean Mr. Smith in bed with that ho---I'm sorry another woman, who turned out to be Miss Monroe's best friend."

News Reporter, "So it sounds like you can sympathize with Miss Monroe, Dr. Wright. Am I right?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Well, I'm not saying I condone violence and what Miss Monroe did by any means but I understand."

News Reporter, "So Miss Monroe and Mr. Smith were living together?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "It would appear that way."

News Reporter, "And Miss Monroe and Mr. Smith had a child together? Is that right?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Yes, they had eight children together."

News Reporter, In disbelief and shaking his head, "Eight! Tha brotha was busy! (He clears his throat.)---I mean it appears they were very much in love to have had so many children?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Well, I can't attest to their love for one another but they did have eight children together."

News Reporter, "And I understand Miss Monroe was already a patient of yours?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Yes. I started seeing her about three months ago, after the birth of their eighth child."

News Reporter, "So what would cause Miss Monroe to shoot her best friend and then try to kill her boyfriend, if they had eight children together?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Smiling, "Well, as the Right, Reverend Al Green would say, 'Love will make you do wrong'.

News Reporter, Candidly, "Love and Happiness, huh?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Condescendingly, "Well you know how these low income people are and the less fortunate members of society can be, Chuck. They have no hope---no jobs and they just continue to bring children into an already burdensome and stressed environment. Consequently, this just puts a strain on relationships and before you know it some body's cheating on somebody else with some body's best friend and before you know it---it erupts into a violent situation like the unfortunate incident we had here today."

News Reporter, Smiling, "Yes, you are so right, Dr. Wright......You people---I mean some of you people---do get quite busy and have a lot of children to show for it."

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Appalled and heated, "Now wait a minute, I'll have you know I graduated from Cornell University and later Emory University with a doctorate's degree in Psychiatric Medicine. So don't go putting all of 'us' into one box, Chuck!"

News Reporter, Suddenly alarmed, "I'm sorry, Dr. Wright. I didn't mean you. We know the more educated ones of you practice self-constraint by taking the necessary precautions."

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Bothered and tired, "I'm not going to stand here and debate the social and economical woes of our society with you, Chuck. Can we just stick to the subject at hand? Are there any more questions relating to the shooting and hostage situation that just occurred?"

News Reporter, "Yes. Did Mr. Smith make any statements regarding the situation prior to his release?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Yes. He was crying, shaking and extremely upset and said he had no idea that Miss Monroe had a gun in her purse. He further stated, he did not even know she owned a gun, and he apologized to her for sleeping with her best friend. And he said and I quote, 'D------, baby, it was only sex, you didn't have to kill da b----, TanSheena! (Explicit comment beeped).' And with that, Miss Monroe slapped the taste out of his mouth! I mean, Miss Monroe slapped him.

News Reporter, "And so, let me just recap what happened, Dr. Wright, and then I'll let you go....Earlier today at approximately 12:30 p.m., TanSheena Monroe left work early........(He pauses). Where did she work?'

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Getting angry, "At KFC---I mean Kentucky Fried Chicken!"

News Reporter, Beginning again, "Earlier today at approximately 12:30 p.m., TanSheena Monroe left work early from her job at Kentucky Fried Chicken......(He pauses again.) What was her position?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Exclaiming with a loud sigh, "Good God, man! Does it really matter?! She was a cashier!"

News Reporter, Starting over from the beginning, "Earlier today at approximately 12:30 p.m., TanSheena Monroe left work early from her job at Kentucky Fried Chicken, where she was a cashier and went to her home, which she shared with her boyfriend, LeRoy Smith and their eight children to confront him about back child support. Apparently, when she arrived, she caught bro' man---I mean, LeRoy Smith, her babies' daddy---(He suddenly pauses again; everyone gasps in disbelief.)---All eight of them?

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright shakes her head in disbelief, while nodding, 'Yes.'

News Reporter, He continues as if he never stopped, When she---Miss Monroe arrived at their home, she found her boyfriend, LeRoy Smith in bed with an unidentified young woman, who was her best friend. TanSheena Monroe commenced to wailing on---uh, Tan Sheena Monroe assaulted the ho---the unidentified young woman with her shoe...(He suddenly interrupts himself again.)---Was that TanSheena's shoe or the unidentified young woman's shoe? (The cameramen burst into laughter, along with Dr. Wright and the neighbors standing around trying to get on film. The news reporter continues, never losing his composure.)---An argument ensued; LeRoy Smith tried to intervene and Miss Monroe shot the unidentified young woman, who was her best friend of fifteen years in the chest, fatally wounding her and killing her dead. She then turned the gun, which by the way was a .45 caliber Smith & Wesson on her boyfriend and babies' daddy, and shot at him. She failed to shoot his bl---I mean she missed him because he jumped his monkey a---He jumped behind the bed he had just been bumpin' and grindin' in (He gestures, as if having sex. The cameramen, the neighbors, Dr. Wright and the police all howl with laughter. The reporter never loses his composure.)--- with the unidentified young woman and avoided being hit. TanSheena Monroe then cornered LeRoy Smith behind the bed, while he cowered and pleaded with Miss Monroe not to shoot him. She held him hostage for several hours and then phoned you, Dr. Wright, to say she was going to kill that n---LeRoy Smith and then herself. However, you were able to calm her down and talk her into surrender-ing. Is that right, Dr. Wright?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, Exasperated, "That's correct."

News Reporter, Suddenly concerned and serious, "And what about the children, Dr. Wright? What's going to happen to the children?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "DFACS will take them into protective custody until they can be placed with relatives, while Miss Monroe awaits a bond hearing."

News Reporter, "I guess you never thought something like this would happen to you today, right?"

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "I'm just glad no more lives were taken and my patient, TanSheena Monroe wasn't hurt. After all, the children need their mother. And as for LeRoy Smith, well... he'd just better thank God he wasn't killed."

News Reporter, "You're right. Well I'm going to let you get home, Dr. Wright. I know you must be exhausted after your ordeal today."

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, "Exhausted is right. Good evening, Chuck."

News Reporter, "Good evening, Dr. Wright. And there you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen.... A horrific tale today of what appears to be a murder and assault with a deadly weapon, with one victim fatally injured and another scared sh---less (Explicit remark beeped.) We are now standing by to speak with the Chief of Police, who I understand is on his way here from Krispy Kremes. Now back to you, Monica."

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright turned the television down as Monica Kauffman began to repeat the ordeal of the day. Gwen stares at the television realizing that she wasn't wearing any lipstick and that her hair was messed up. Everything had happened so fast. She'd left her office as usual when suddenly her cell rang. TanSheena was on the other end, crying hysterically and screaming, 'I'm going to kill him, Dr. Wright! I'm going to kill this n------!' Gwen doesn't remember what she'd said but she had somehow managed to calm TanSheena down, and when she arrived at the house, TanSheena had allowed her to enter. She was still shaking from the ordeal. She had only been a psychiatrist for six months and was only appointed to the Atlanta Hostage Negotiation Team last week. She never expected something like to this happen. As she took another sip of wine, she exclaimed, "I look a hot mess! Look at my hair! And, (Leaning forward in her chair) is my jacket unbutton?" Her husband, Dr. Leonardo Wright, walks in.

Enter Dr. Leonardo Wright.

Dr. Leonardo Wright, Grinning, kissing Gwen as he takes off his jacket, "So did anything exciting happen with you and your 'nuts' today?

Gwen, Grimacing, "Honey, how many times have I asked you not to call my patients 'nuts?' You know how I feel about that term. How would you like it if I called your cousin, Darius a 'nut'?

Leonardo, Smiling, "Baby, my cousin, Darius ain't crazy. He just forgets to take his medicine sometimes."

Gwen, Seriously, "Honey, Darius is always forgetting to take his medicine. And, any way, why do you think he has to take medicine? Anyone who takes off their clothes in the middle of winter and runs buck-naked down the middle of I-20 is a little touched---don't you think?"

Leonardo, Smiling; He knew how much Gwen hating the term but he loved getting a rise out of her, "I'm sorry, baby. Did something unexpected happen today? You look haggard."

Gwen, Suddenly reaching for her purse to get her mirror and taking another sip of wine, "I do? Well, if you'd been through what I'd experienced today, you would look haggard, too."

Leonardo, Suddenly concerned, "What happened, baby?"

Gwen, "You remember TanSheena Monroe from church don't you? (Gwen knew she wasn't suppose to discuss her patients with Leonardo because this violated patient-doctor confidentiality but she had only been practicing medicine for six months and didn't think talking to her husband about some of her patients could do any harm.)

Leonardo, Smiling, "Yeah, TanSheena Monroe with the big br---?"

Gwen, Interrupting her husband; irritated that he would even look at TanSheena, "Yes, TanSheena Monroe with the big breasts!"

Leonardo, Realizing that Gwen was embarrassed of her small breasts and had decided to let him give her implants after much thought in a few weeks, "Well, baby, you know I am a plastic surgeon......and who can't help but notice TanSheena's breasts? They're perfect! And they're real!"

Gwen, Suddenly becoming angry, "Baby, can I please finish the story?"

Leonardo, Grinning, "I'm sorry baby. Go on."

Gwen, "Well, TanSheena told me that she had suspected LeRoy was cheating on her with KeeKee..."

Leonardo, Pushing Gwen's buttons again; laughing, "You mean, big booty KeeKee?"

Gwen, Suddenly realizing that Leonardo was teasing her, "Yes, 'Big Booty KeeKee.' And when did you notice KeeKee's booty? Never mind---she does have a noticeably big booty....Any way, TanSheena suspected that LeRoy was cheating on her with KeeKee; got off work early today; came home; caught them in bed together; got into a fight; shot KeeKee in the chest; killed her; tried to kill LeRoy and then threatened to kill herself. Typical, 'baby-mama drama.'"

Leonardo, Not really surprised; he'd known LeRoy and KeeKee had been seeing each other for sometime, "Well, I'm not surprised are you? What's our mantra? 'Church folk..........."

Gwen, Laughing, "......Somethin' else!' (They laugh harder.)

Leonardo, Pouring himself a glass of Scotch, "I'm just glad we don't have to deal with those type issues in our marriage."

Gwen, Suddenly becoming more serious, "Me, too, baby. I just don't know what I'd do if I found out you were cheating on me and had babies on the side."

Leonardo, "Well, fortunately for you, you'll never have to worry about that. You are my one and only. My boo." (Leonardo quickly downs his glass of Scotch; walks over to the stereo and puts in his favorite---Al Green's, 'Love and Happiness.')

Gwen, Smiles and remembers her interview with the news reporter earlier, "I'm serious, honey. I think I might even go 'ghetto' if I caught you cheating."

Leonardo, Suddenly pulling her up from her chair, "Well, you won't. Now, I've had a long day and you've certainly had a long day.......let's just listen to the Right, Reverend Al and get our groove on." (They began to slow dance.)

Gwen, Smiling; she lays her head on his shoulder and begins kissing him on his neck; suddenly she smells cologne that is not what he usually wears. She coos; kisses him on the mouth.