Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Husbands Love Thy Wives"

Act I, Scene VI
Elder Edward Strong & Prophetess Ruth Strong's Home
As lights come up Prophetess Ruth Strong is sitting at her dresser staring into the mirror.
Prophetess Strong, Crying and talking aloud to herself, "Lord, how much more of this am I suppose to take? Is this Your will or am I being a fool?" (Prophetess Strong sat looking at herself in the mirror and wondered what had happened to the beautiful man she'd married. Only married for six years, he had become increasingly angry and resentful towards her since transferring from Boston to Atlanta. She just couldn't understand what had happened to them. Edward was handsome, intelligent and very driven but lately, he had become increasingly moody; picking fights; and violently beating her. Ruth didn't know what was wrong; she just knew she wanted the old Edward back.)
Elder Strong suddenly enters their bedroom.
Elder Strong, Apologetically, while handing her an ice bag, "Baby, I'm sorry. I don't mean to hit you but you know it's your fault. Right?"
Prophetess Strong, Confused but nodding in agreement, "Yes, dear. (She knew not to disagree with her husband.) I should have known you had a hard day at the office. I don't know how I could have been so insensitive. I'm sorry, baby. Forgive me?"
Elder Strong, Still apologetically, "Now, baby, you know you can't say anything to Pastor about this---After all, I am his best elder, and we both know you made me hit you............right?"
Prophetess Strong, Looking at her husband in amazement, "Yes, dear, I'm was my fault."
Elder Strong, "That's what I thought. Now go in the bathroom, wash your face and go downstairs and fix me the dinner I should have had when I got home."
Prophetess Strong, Timidly, "Yes, dear. What did you say you wanted for supper tonight?"
Elder Strong, Sarcastic and hateful, "Woman, if you don't get yo' lazy a--- downstairs and fix my supper, I'm gone beat the hell out of you! You know what I like! Don't act like you stupid or something! Oh, yeah..........I forgot, you are stupid!"
Prophetess Strong, Frightened and hurrying toward the stairwell, "I'm sorry, Elder. Please......don't hit me again.......I'm going right now."
Elder Strong, Grabbing her and hugging her, "Aw, know I love you. You just make me so mad sometimes. Now, give me a kiss. (Prophetess Strong kisses him.) Give me a real kiss! Don't make me slap you. (She kisses him passionately.)
Prophetess Strong hurries down the stairwell to the kitchen. She has no idea what to fix for dinner. She'd made the mistake of cooking pasta the night before and barely escaped without a beating. "What was I thinking?," she exclaimed, tearfully, wiping away the tears. She knew Edward hated pasta but she'd had Women's Ministry and had barely gotten home before Edward. "What does he want from me?," she asked looking up at the ceiling and opening the refrigerator. "What do You want from me, Lord?," she asked looking up again.
Elder Strong, Bellowing downstairs, "I know you ain't on that phone?! You better not be talking to Sharon!" (Edward Strong knew that his wife often talked with Sharon Peacemen at church, even though Ruth had sworn she'd never told Sharon about the beatings. Nevertheless, he had assumed she had, and he knew Sharon was one of the biggest gossips in the church.) "......Fake hoe!"
Prophetess Strong, Fearfully, "No, dear. I'm not on the phone. I was talking to the Lord!"
Elder Strong, Still bellowing, "I know you don't call yo'self gettin' smart with me?!"
Prophetess Strong, Trying not to yell, while taking a steak out of the freezer, "No, dear. I would never disrespect you like that......I was truly talking to the Lord."
Elder Strong, Yelling louder, "Well, that's good! 'Cause if I ever find out you've been telling our business to those sistas in da church, I'll cut out your tongue!"
Prophetess Strong, Shuddering as if her husband is standing over her, "No, dear."
Elder Strong, Suddenly getting up and stomping down the stairs, "What did you say?!"
Prophetess Strong, Meekly, "I said, 'No, dear.' I would never speak to anyone about our personal affairs."
Elder Strong, Walking over to her and putting his finger to her temple, "One of these days, Ruth....Bang!" (He gestures as if pulling a trigger.)
Prophetess Strong jumps but doesn't comment. She begins to season the steak she's removed from the freezer.
Elder Strong, Laughing sarcastically, "How long that steak gone take to cook? I better be eating in an hour."
Prophetess Strong, Tearfully, "Yes, dear. It'll be ready. I promise."
Elder Strong, "It had better be! And I know you ain't crying?! Baby, don't you know I've been working all day, and I'm tired? Dealing with those idiots at the bank all day, and then coming home and dealing with a stupid wife----. Don't you think I'm hungry and aggravated?"
Prophetess Strong, Wiping tears from her eyes, "Yes, dear. I'm sorry, dear."
Elder Strong, "You're always 'sorry.' Just hurry yo' sorry a--- up before I slap the 'sorry' out of you!'
Prophetess Strong, Placing the steak in the broiler and wrapping foil around a baking potato, "Yes, dear."
Elder Strong, Suddenly becoming angry, "Baked potatoes?! Do you know how long it's gonna take to cook baked potatoes?!"
Prophetess Strong, Nervously removing the foil from the potato, "Yes, dear but it won't take that long. I promise. I can bake it in the microwave."
Elder Strong, Angrily yelling, "I thought the microwave was broken?!"
Prophetess Strong, Frightened; forgetting that the microwave was broken, "Yes, dear......I forgot......I forgot it was broken."
Elder Strong, Still yelling, "You see! That's what I'm talking about! Just forget it! I'll just go downtown and eat! (He storms out of the house and suddenly returns; pointing his finger at her, yelling.) You, see? That's why I beat you! (He grabs his jacket; walks out the front door; gets into his car, yelling at her as he leaves.) You are a trip! You know that? Stupid!
Prophetess Strong looking in amazement as her husband speeds down the street; breaks down, sobbing hysterically in fear; picks up the phone and dials a number. The phone rings.
Male Voice, "Hello,"
Prophetess Strong, Trying to sound cheerful, "Hey,......can you talk?"
Male Voice, Whispering, "Not, really? What's wrong?"
Prophetess Strong, Fighting back the tears, "Oh, nothing......just wanted to hear a friendly voice."
Male Voice, Concerned, "What's wrong, Ruth?"
Prophetess Strong starts sobbing.
Lights out.


  1. Sho' nuf!!!! That hit home like a mug. LOL. Seriously, are all abusive men like that? I guess the spirit that influences them is. HMMM! Anyway, I love it and keep it coming. I got much love fo Sho'!!! 8-)

  2. You gonna put a post up before you leave to go to the Mother land for Christians? LOL.
