Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scene III - Wright Manor - Maximus Wright's Wing

Enter Maximus Wright and Napoleon Weasley

Maximus, Singing to iPod, music playing loudly in ear; Napoleon following him.

Jesus is my Lord.
Jesus in my King.
He was there in tha beginnin'
Yeah......He created everythin'!
Spoke it all into existence by saying , 'Let there be!'
There's absolutely nobody......nowhere that's greater than He!
I am blessed coming in.
I am blessed going out.
And it's all because of Jesus.
So let me hear you shout!
Say, 'I'm blessed!'
Napoleon, Echoes, "Blessed!"
Maximus, Singing louder, "Blessed!"
Napoleon, Echoing again, "Blessed!"
Maximus, "Say, 'I'm blessed!'
Napoleon, "Blessed!"
Maximus, Continiuing to dance around his room, as he removes his iPod from his ear, "Say, I'm blessed beyond all measure. There's no way I'll eva doubt!"
Napoleon, giving Maximus a high five, "Yeah, man......That's what I'm talking 'bout! Man, that's hittin'!
Maximus, As he give Napoleon another high five, "And, you know this!"
Napoleon, "Man, when are you gone lay that down?"
Maximus, "Oh, it's in the works, brotha. You betta believe that!"
Napoleon, "Man, tha world ain't gone be able to handle Tha Maximus!"
Maximus, "Of, course not! But the question is?"
Napoleon, "What's that man?"
Maximus, He laughs and slaps Napoleon on the head, "What tha haters gone say?"
Napoleon, "So what you saying?"
Maximus, "Come on man. You and me both know how haters always hatin' on 'Sir Maximus The Great!"
Napoleon, "You right. They do be hatin' don't they?"
Maximus, "Fo real! And they ain't even seen the best of Maximus yet!"
Napoleon, "There you go.........."
Maximus, "What?! You know I'm speakin' truth, brotha."
Napoleon, "I know but why you always got to refer to yourself as 'Sir Maximus The Great?"
Maximus, Grinning, "Cause I am, and everybody wants to be me---even you."
Napoleon, "Naw, brotha......just as long as you let me come along and enjoy the benefits of basking in your greatness."
Maximus, Slapping him again and grinning widely, "Oh, believe that."
Napoleon, Changing the subject, "So what's the story with you and old girl?"
Maximus, "Who?"
Napoleon, Enviously, "Tonya. Ya'll were looking a little serious at Church last Sunday."
Maximus, "Nothin' man. You know how tha ladies be crushin' on Sir Maximus The Great.'
Napoleon, "Well, she's telling everybody that you and her are a couple."
Maximus, Hissing and laughing, "T-T-Tonya? Come on man. You know me betta than that."
Napoleon, Laughing, "Yeah, you right. She does have that st...st...studdering problem."
They both laugh again.
Maximus, Still laughing, "Hey, but she do got tha body---from the neck down!"
Napoleon, Laughing uncontrollably, "Yeah, she also puts the 'u' in 'ugly!'
Maximus, Rapping, "I say she ugly. Ug.......ug......ug......ugly!" (They laugh harder.)
Napoleon, "But seriously man......you don't think you can get pass tha st......st......studdering and ug......ug......ug......ugly?"
Maximus, Leaping on top of his bed, with arms raised, "Baby, I AM MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS THE GREAT! And MAXIMUS THE GREAT don't do ugly. (He leaps off the bed, laughing.) Now, get out of here........I'm expecting company."
Napoleon, "Anybody I know?"
Maximus, "Nope, and don't ask me to tell you her name."
Napoleon, "Alright, man. I'll see you tomorrow. Sorry, I mean, I'll see 'Sir Maximus the Great tomorrow'." (He bows and then leaves, giving Maximus a brotherly hug.)
Maximus, Suddenly rushing into his private bathroom to freshening up. The door bell rings. Maximus sprays on some cologne. Pops in a mint. Looks in the mirror and repeats, 'I AM MAXIMUS......MAXIMUS THE GREAT!' And rushes downstairs. A figure awaits him at the door.

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